Little Flower e.V. is a charitable non-profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible and you will annually receive a donation receipt. All work for Little Flower e.V. in Germany are on a volunteer basis. Administration and public relations costs are less than 1 % of all annual donations. 99 % of all donations go straight to the people concerned in India. Only Indian employers are employed on the projects.
A Little Flower e.V. team of volunteers accompanies advises and monitors the work of the projects in India. Through regular reporting, visits and contacts, close collaboration exists between the team in India and Little Flower e.V. Donors are invited to visit ‘their’ projects in India anytime to see for themselves that the donations to India are used in accordance with the aims laid down in the statute.
You can support Little Flower with individual donations, PEARL sponsorships, Montessori sponsorships or by ordering embroidered greeting cards.
- Please always note your complete address on the remittance slip.
- Please always indicate a purpose of payment, e.g. “Little Flower sponsorships”, “PEARL sponsorships” etc.
- In case of sponsorhips also the year for which the money is given.
It helps us a lot and means we can send you a receipt.
Bank Accounts for Donations
Donations can be transferred to the Little Flower account in Germany because donors in Germany will get a tax reduction. Bank accout:
Little Flower e.V.
Volksbank Odenwald
IBAN: DE26508635130101009621
For Donors in Switzerland: Stiftung Jesuiten weltweit Schweiz
Hirschengraben 74, CH 8001 Zurich
Bank: PostFinance
IBAN: CH51 0900 0000 8922 2200 9
Please always indicate as purpose of payment: “Projects P. Ama Samy SJ – Little Flower” as well as the respective project you want to support (sponsorship, Pearl, Montessori, free donation etc.)
You can request a payment slip with QR code at
For Donors in USA
Please contact Nicole Westrick